Neutopia Presents Special First Nations Empowerment Plan to Northern Ontario Community

January 21, 2012 » In: Neutopia News » Leave a comment

Neutopia presented a Special First Nations Empowerment Plan to develop a Neutopia Green Community Partnership program with First Nations in January.

The first plan of its kind, which brings together a network of scientists, project developers, engineering firms, technology providers and equipment manufacturers, was issued to Attawapiskat First Nation. The Attawapiskat First Nation community has been all over the news due to poor living conditions that has attracted international attention including a report from the United Nations condemning the Canadian government’s inability to help this community.

Our preliminary assessment is that the Canadian government has provided millions of dollars in funding to this community, although little if any professional assistance to offer community support and development. The news reports were shocking to Neutopia because we believe this community, like other remote First Nation communities, could be on their way to self-reliance today if they had the appropriate know-how and it could only take a few years!

Our plan could potentially help lift this community from its depressed economic state and poor community health by integrating a Neutopia Green Community ecoPARK program, with Neutopia’s revenues being re-invested in the community for sustainable development and long-term community action plans.

This is a prime example of how Neutopia’s innovative business model can help even our most remote communities, without requiring any investment from the community or banks or any federal or provincial involvement. This plan truly emphasizes the capability of the community to become self-reliant and how it can begin today.

We have not heard back from any officials from Attawapiskat, although we appreciate they have had a very difficult winter and we are very hopeful they will be interested in pursuing a project as soon as they are ready.

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